Saturday, November 22, 2014

36 weeks

We've had two weekly appointments since my last post, and we're making some good progress! At the 35 week check, my cervix was softening and I was a fingertip dilated, and 5 days later at my 36 week check, I was a full cm dilated and 75% effaced. I couldn't believe it! Doc says she's making her way down quite nicely which is why my cervix had thinned so much in those 5 days. Fortunately, she doesn't think we'll be having past due discussions and while she doesn't think I'll be delivering a Thanksgiving baby, she does think we'll be a week or two early (FINGERS CROSSED!!). All of that considered, it's looking like we could have a peanut in our arms as soon as a week from now, but more likely in 2-3. Dad was in town and able to accompany me to the 36 week appt, which was pretty special. I think hearing the strong heartbeat really got to him :) 
I'm doing my best to rest, while still trying to get a tiny bit of activity with my daily Penny walks. And in the wise words of Karen, I'm trying to savor these last days of calm and quiet.
I know in my head that there's a baby growing in me, and that one day very soon she'll be on the outside, but sometimes it's still hard to fully wrap my head around. These kicks and uncomfortable feelings are a BABY. Like a real, normal sized BABY. It's pretty crazy. 

Weeks 35-36: tired, and incredibly, more than I think I've ever felt tired as week 36 rolled around, very hard to get comfortable in bed, strong Braxton Hicks and some sharp pains low that stop me in my tracks, hips are very sore, skin is starting to act up again, have had the urge to snack more in these last two weeks then I've had my entire pregnancy

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