Thursday, April 9, 2015

4 months!

Eleanor Claire is 4 months old!
There have been significant changes between months 3 and 4, definitely the most changing she's done so far. Her little personality is starting to develop, she's full of smiles, coos, and energy, she rolls over and sits up in her little seat, and is really starting to soak in the world around her. We get tons of comments when we're out and about about how good she is (which, for the most part, she really is) and how beautiful her eyes are (which I completely agree with). She's a bit of a drama queen (I believe they call this karma), and definitely knows when you're not paying attention to her but she feels you should be.
Some stats and what's making her special these days below:

As of 4/9/15...
Weight: 13 pounds exactly, 29%
Height: 25 inches, 74%
Head Circumference: 39 1/2, 10%
Loves: fans, lights, being sung to, silly faces and noises, baths, mornings (whoever gets to see her face first in the morning definitely wins)
Hates: being tired and overstimulated - both guaranteed to make her cry
Doesn't mind: her new seat, tummy time, clothes/diaper changes, going to daycare at the gym (she usually ends up falling asleep in a swing there)
Size: still wearing mostly 0-3 with some 3-6 month clothes fitting. Graduated to size 2 diapers a day before her 4 month birthday, but really she needs a 1.5 - the 2s are still a bit too big and the 1s are a bit too small.

-Strong girl - even the pediatrician commented on it!
-Officially in her crib, even for most naps
-A side and tummy sleeper
-Grasping things with two hands and then putting almost everything in her mouth
-Drool machine
-Developed a witching hour, usually starting between 5 and 6 pm

Dad's favorite things about Ellie:
1. Her big, deep, happy coo
2. When she nestles in your neck
3. How happy she is in the mornings

Mom's favorite things about Ellie:
1. Bedtime routine - it's so relaxing and she's starting to get what's going on
2. Our "chats", singing, smiling and giggling
3. Watching her soak in the world - it's incredible to see the world through her eyes
4. How even in a room full of people she will lock eyes with me

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