Thursday, April 16, 2015

Scottsdale Shea Healthcare Frequent Flyers

Baby girl got her 4 month vaccines yesterday, and after her mild reaction to the 2 month vaccines (low grade fever and fussiness), I was ready for a similar reaction. I was not quite ready, however, for the vaccines to affect her completely differently this time around.

Last night around 6 pm, she got VERY tired and went down to bed around 7:15 without the slightest struggle. This all seemed like a normal reaction, until around 9 pm, when we watched her on the video monitor heave and throw up three times. Brad managed to clean it up while she stayed asleep in her crib, and she proceeded to sleep a 10 hour stretch. Normally, this would thrill me, but it seemed odd given her recent middle of the night wake-ups.

Throughout the day today, she was awake for a total of maybe 2 hours. She was SO TIRED, even sleeping through feedings (and she is a very consistent every three hours eater), and just not her talkative, happy, sassy self. When I did manage to get her to eat at two different times today, she threw up. Like, THREW UP. Like, covering sofa cushions, multiple burp cloths, her onesie and pants, pooling in mom's t-shirt, etc etc etc. Exorcist style throw up.

I finally called the pediatrician just to confirm all of these reactions were normal, and the triage nurse asked when she last peed in her diaper. I realized she had not peed since some point in the middle of last night, and it was 1 pm (and babies are supposed to pee around once an hour). She suggested pedialyte, which I got and slowly fed her. While I was feeding it to her she was trying so hard to get to the boob (likely because she'd hardly eaten all day and was probably starving), so I gave in and fed her a little bit (rookie mommy mistake). After that feeding produced another massive throw up I made the executive decision to head to the ER to make sure we got some fluids in her STAT. A potentially very dehydrated baby was not something I was willing to ride out.

A few hours later we were home with a peanut who had consumed 4 ounces of pedialyte, taken some zofran for her nausea, and managed to keep some breastmilk down. I felt reassured by the pediatric ER doc who confirmed that with no pee for that long, bringing her in was the safe things to do.

Never a dull moment with our little girl who Lindsay so aptly pointed out seems to have a flair for the dramatic. We're ready to start collecting points at Scottsdale Shea as we feel like frequent flyers. But even with all the points in the world, I'm okay NEVER needing to go back.

PS: I'm pretty sure this sign exists for dads and dads alone. Take Ellie's dad, for example, who, as I pointed out the sign to him, had a glove balloon waving in Ellie's face. He looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar; he slowly deflated the balloon, and threw it away. We laughed for a solid 5 minutes. 

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